Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pomegranates. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

Pomegranates. What a difficult word to spell! - well for the spelling challenged like myself. Fun to paint, so many more colors than expected, they have sort of a blobbi-ness to them. I think I may have made these too round. I find that the shadows are in fact blue-ish, I'm not really taking artistic liscense here... maybe from the sky? Maybe shadows go a couple of steps around the color wheel,or have some other tendency, I've never thought about it before...I am going to start noticing. L.

Monday, September 29, 2008

County Road. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

This County Road is in Baldwin County Alabama, but I suppose this view is a common one on County roads in lots of places; transitioning fields, and red dirt. The weather has been perfect for painting en plein aire' or doing anything outside- really I need to paint my house in this crispy dry weather.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Damaged goods. Lydia Host painting a day 6x6


I was a little heavy handed in painting this. There are certain images that bear painting over and over; winter groves of pecan trees fall into this category. I was just thinking about family and being single and trying to find that person to share your life with. How complicated it all seems, but probably really isn't.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yay Team. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6


Tomatoes. Today they were totally different with out the fabric underneath. It seemed to be about reflections and shadows. I am trying to be less fussy in general- with my paint I mean.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On the vine. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6


I just feel like I'm in france. I think that tomatoes on the vine really do taste better. The last painting that had tomatoes in it was 'speaking of France', it might be that painting tomatoes makes me think of France, where I pretty much ate bread and tomatoes the whole time (poor). I mean they were great tomatoes and bread...


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

California vista. Lydia Host daily painting a day8x16


Funny how the sky could be so different in different places. I always love seeing the Mountains when I visit. Weird how when you live in a place you sometimes forget to appreciate the beauty it offers. The California palette is just so crispy, here in the south, we have "California days" when the humidity goes away for a brief moment.


Monday, September 22, 2008

The Beach . Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

These little girls were right in front of me...little did they know! Very engrossed in their handiwork. I sat and painted them while chatting with my friend Denise, it was pure bliss...partly because our own children were off running around with their daddy's. The storm Ike has left behind these little beach "baby pools" that are about two feet deep..perfect for relaxed watching of the little ones. It was quite windy and the whole of this little canvas is covered with complimentary sand.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Magnolia cones. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

Mary Elizabeth brought over these Magnolia leaves and cones...interesting to paint. So shiny and reflective on the leaves, and glass, but dull on the cones, great color contrasts. I am off to the beach for a couple of days. Hurray! its raining right now...and projected to rain all weekend, does this dampen my enthusiasm? NO! L.

Cafeteria fare. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

There are always so many choices in the Hospital cafeteria line...so hard to decide. Today its coconut cake.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday Painter. Lydia Host daily painting a day 8x8


Langan Park Mobile AL. Tracy called me and asked me to come along with her to paint this morning at the park, what fun.

When I was about ten years old my Aunt Ruth took me with her to paint in this park, and a photographer from the paper took some pictures of us and we were in the paper...very fancy stuff. When I was in a painting class at South , a near by University, we painted the park, I was proud of my efforts; my Professor said that it looked like a "Sunday painter" had painted it. Hmmm that offhand comment kept me from landscape painting in general for years! Now I am just happy to paint ...however it is that I paint! Ha- .


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Whadda ya got? Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6


Japanese fighting fish, courtesy of a neighbor. The friendly fish swimming up to say "Hi", and look at the way he puffs up to show off his pretty colors...okay, he is just trying to start a fight, but don't tell the kids.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Bayway. Lydia Host daily painting a day 5x7

Every time I make this drive I think "wow, I live here!"
Its just always different, and always stunning.
I don't look through the eye hole when I snap photos...I just hold the camera up and hope for the best! (just so you know -I am not driving and trying to focus the lens!)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Classic. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

Just the classic morning treat. Cup of coffee. Oh wait, you'd better have some eggs too, or you will feel like killing someone in a few hours!

I have also included a small "head shot" that I just finished and delivered. The small portrait is so selfishly fun for me. I could paint one everyday...maybe that should be my next endeavor....daily portraits...hmmm.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Impetuous Lily. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

Something about these Lillies and the way they just spring up everywhere....glorious! Spider Lily in a glass.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Green Glass. Lydia Host daily painting a day 8x8

Once again the lure of coloured glass wins out over its beautiful content. L.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bacchus. Lydia Host daily painting a day 6x6

The green grapes were really more than I bargained for! Hah there is a trick to painting grapes. The "Angel= Hope" is for my friend Provie Musso who is collecting angels for a fundraiser in Fairhope this Friday and Saturday, for children with cancer. Provie is a wonderful person and artist. (she makes the 'fear-not' angels). I had painted this Angel last christmas, and was unhappy with the result, but today I splashed some more paint on, and wah-la! I like her. I hope she makes a little money for that great cause. L.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be Glad. Lydia Host daily Painting6x6

I really had the same issues of true color with this gladiola as I did with this summers earlier pink flowers...not a tube of red mixes up to the exact shade that I wanted! Still, its close. These are flowers that seem mis - understood...at least by me... are they fancy or common? Old fashioned or ultra modern. They just grow out of several places in my garden...I didn't plant them. Oh, and Mary Elizabeth brought this one from her yard anyway. I like the way they bloom up the stem. L.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Smiles. Lydia Host daily painting 6x6in

Breakfast of champions! Well my grandmother thinks so and she is eighty eight. Such cozy scene. L.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

3's company. Lydia Host daily painting 11x14

Okay- today's name is questionable...but I kept thinking...cherries, lemons, peaches...hmm. Sometimes I have to paint things several times. I just keep loving the green glass, plus the square base as opposed to the round everything else-good stuff. L. Still having ebay issues...email me if you'd care to purchase.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Alternative thinking. Lydia Host daily painting 6x6

Exploring the idea of "landscape" without anything actually telling you what it is. Colors are used as a way to express an idea, not necessarily to record reality.
Hmmmm. Well, I kind of like it. Maybe its about paint.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

fish two. Lydia Host Daily painting.

Yeah yeah yeah, who'd have thought fish were so fun to paint? Here is the thing, they hold still, they reflect every color around them, and once again the dour expression. And as a bonus, I suppose they could be eaten afterwards (not this one of course!- don't even think about it). L.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

La La La Lemons. Lydia Host painting a day

Oh whatever I put into this glass vase/bowl is a delight to paint! I love to paint glass, and slightly tinted glass is even more hypnotising. L. I am having some technical difficulties listing with Ebay (their problem). Until they are resolved I am just selling my paintings prix fixe'. If you are interested in purchasing please email me: lydjon@bellsouth.net