Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby eggplants.Lydia Host daily painting a day 8x8


I painted these baby eggplants with Mary Elizabeth this morning. I was going to go Plein aire painting this morning, but woke up feeling yucky, so this just seemed the easier route. I am always happy when my paintings look like paintings, if that makes any sense! This one seemed to flow off the brush which I really needed today.



  1. You know Lydia this is really pretty awesome. Very pretty. Feel better.

  2. I love the eggplants - very beautifula and painterly. They are my favorite vegetable to paint. We missed you at plein air but hope you are feeling much better.

  3. Very nice Lydia! Hope you feel better.

  4. thanks guys, I am feeling better today...last night I had another fever w/chills that broke and so I am looking at it as 'the grand finale' of this illness! Missed plein aire=cant wait to see what you painted. wish I were at the beach with you Mek, and loren I talked to one of you students who said she was enjoying your class!
